
Russell performs folk tales and original stories for children and adults. He is a member of Storytellers of Canada and regularly performs with Vancouver Tellers.
Check out upcoming shows and recordings of past performances below!
Click the links below for more details on upcoming shows.
May 5, 2024 - North Shore Cric Crac
North Vancouver, BC
Performing "Marushka and the Earth Mother" -- an original take on a classic Czech folktale.
May 10, 2024 - Around Town Tellers
Nanaimo, BC
Performing "The Fox with the Silver Tongue" (an English folktale) and "Frederico the Fool" (an original story)
Tickets for the Zoom broadcast available through Eventbrite.
May 19, 2024 - Vancouver Tellers
Vancouver, BC
Performing "The Three Dolls" (an Indian folktale)
Handshakes with Bono
A story about the time Russell may, or may not, have met Ireland's greatest rockstar.
Told at Around Town Tellers in Nanaimo, BC, June 2022
The Three Little Mammals & the Big Bad T-Rex
A prehistoric twist on the well-known classic.
Told at 1001 Nights of Storytelling in Toronto, July 2019
The Boy Carried Away Into the World Below
A reinterpretation of a tale from R.M. Dawkins' collection, More Greek Folktales.
Told with Vancouver Tellers in March 2020
Aniz the Shepherd
Based on the Uyghur folktale from Dale A. Olsen's anthology, World Flutelore.
Told with Vancouver Tellers in November 2020
Queen of Water, Friend of Flame
An original, fantastical tale of unlikely allies.
Told with Vancouver Tellers in April 2021
The Tale of Jiminy Flare
An original tale of finding light amidst hungry shadows.
Told with Vancouver Tellers in October 2021
The Stolen Bairn and the Sidh
Based on the version written by Sorche Nic Leodhas in Thistle and Thyme.
Told with Vancouver Tellers in March 2022
The Legend of Jack O'Lantern
Based on the traditional folktale as retold by Richard Martin and in The Dublin Penny Journal.
Told with Vancouver Tellers in October 2022